Unable to remove a plugin in WordPress site?
Issue: Unable to remove a plugin from the WordPress Admin Portal.
Please follow below steps to delete the plugins from WordPress.
Hosting Details: ---------------- Environment: Bitnami WordPress Hosting: Google Cloud Platform
Step – 1
Login to google cloud platform console and navigate to compute engine and click on VM Instance

Step – 2
Click on SSH to connect to the Virtual Machine console

A new browser window opens with SSH shell to the Linux virtual machine

Step – 4
Navigate to the WordPress folder path
cd /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins

Step – 5
List all the items inside the plugin folder
ls -al
Delete the folder with the name of the plugin
sudo rm wp-optimize -r -f

Once the folder is deleted, exit from the console window
Now go back to the WordPress web console. Log off and Log in back again.
Navigate to plugins option. The plugin is gone.
Thank you for reading my post. Hope this is helpful to you.
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