In this article, we will see how to read information from a CSV file and modify the imported data using Python. CSV package is used to read csv file information.
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Tip: I’m using PyCharm community edition IDE for writing Python scripts.
Following csv file is saved at C:\SW\data.csv
The first row in the csv represent the heading
Name,Price,qty Mango,20.3,4 Orange,23.1,6 Apple,56.3,9
Read and print CSV file
import csv
sourceFile = open("C:/SW/data.csv")
csvData = csv.reader(sourceFile)
Output: [['Name', 'Price', 'qty'], ['Mango', '20.3', '4'], ['Orange', '23.1', '6'], ['Apple', '56.3', '9']]
Looping through CSV file
import csv
sourceFile = open("C:/SW/data.csv")
csvData = csv.reader(sourceFile)
for rows in csvData:
Output: ['Name', 'Price', 'qty'] ['Mango', '20.3', '4'] ['Orange', '23.1', '6'] ['Apple', '56.3', '9']
Print data without heading
import csv
sourceFile = open("C:/SW/data.csv")
csvData = csv.reader(sourceFile)
for rows in csvData:
#first line represent heading
if csvData.line_num == 1:
Output: ['Mango', '20.3', '4'] ['Orange', '23.1', '6'] ['Apple', '56.3', '9']
Print the items from which the price is greater than 22
import csv
sourceFile = open("C:/SW/data.csv")
csvData = csv.reader(sourceFile)
#for serial number while displaying the data
r_count = 1
#each row item is assigned to variables name, price and quantity
for name, price, quantity in csvData:
if csvData.line_num == 1:
if float(price) > 22:
print("{}. Price of {} is {}".format(r_count, name, price))
r_count += 1
Output: Price of Orange is 23.1 Price of Apple is 56.3
Adding column to the list of item
inport csv
sourceFile = open("C:/SW/data.csv")
csvData = csv.reader(sourceFile)
#adding extra column to the list
newlist = [x + [0] for x in csvData]
print(newlist) #Output - 1
#to get the data without heading (skipping the first row)
newlist = newlist[1:len(newlist)]
print(newlist) #Output - 2
#below code will calculate the total amount to newely added column
# newColumn = Price * Quantity
r_count = 1
newlist1 = []
for row in newlist:
row[3] = float(row[1]) * float(row[2])
print(newlist1) #Output - 3
Output - 1: [['Name', 'Price', 'qty', 0], ['Mango', '20.3', '4', 0], ['Orange', '23.1', '6', 0], ['Apple', '56.3', '9', 0]] Output - 2: [['Mango', '20.3', '4', 0], ['Orange', '23.1', '6', 0], ['Apple', '56.3', '9', 0]] Output - 3: [['Mango', '20.3', '4', 81.2], ['Orange', '23.1', '6', 138.6], ['Apple', '56.3', '9', 506.7]]
Thank you for reading my post. Hope this is helpful to you.
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